Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Ok. Confession time: I LOVE COMPLIMENTS... I can't help it!  You know one of the best things about teaching elementary school students?  They give you compliments ALL. THE. TIME. :)  Man, if I had a nickel for every time a student of mine told me something nice, I could retire right now!!  I know that things like, "Your hair looks pretty today" and "I like your dress" and "I like your earrings" and "You look pretty" shouldn't mean as much coming from 5, 6, 7, 8 year olds, but it doesn't matter to me! 

Let me tell you a story...

So I was wearing this headband from Charming Charlie today and I must admit it is one of my favorite purchases from that lovely store.  Of course all the little girls LOVED my bow (I finally gave up on trying to convince them "Thank you, but it's actually a headband!") and they told me over... and over... and over:

"Miss Akins, I like your bow."

"I like your bow, too."

"I like your bow, Miss Akins."

I am starting to think they just like listening to themselves talk. 


The best/worst compliment award of the day would have to go to this sweet kindergarten girl who thought she was saying the nicest thing ever to me:

"Miss Akins, you look prettier than yesterday."

Yep. :)  So I replied the only way I knew how:

"Thank you."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

i still like you

Let me tell you a story...

Last week, I was teaching and a first grade boy raised his hand, looked up at me, made direct eye contact and said to me very seriously,

"I really like you".

I kind of giggled to myself, and replied, "Aw thank you. I like you, too!"... and then I moved on.

Fast forward to today.  I was walking the first grade boys to the music room when I passed this same little boy.  He stopped me, and with a very serious and intent tone, he said,

"Miss Akins, I still like you.".

HA!  This kind of stuff never gets old. :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

it's a new year, after all

Well, the school year has officially begun!  One thing I love about my job as the music teacher is that I get the pleasure of teaching all the kids from grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade.  This makes my job of learning names and personalities and such for sooooo many kids (almost 250-300 total!) a little bit easier since I have a lot of the same students each year.  That is, except for kindergarten.  Those kids are ALL brand new to school and to me, and well... I think we are all adjusting pretty well to each other so far.  :) 

If there is one thing I have learned about children over the last 5 years of teaching (I'm in my FIFTH year, can you believe it?!), it's that every year is new and unpredictable and every child is different and unique. And yet... they seem to do some of the exact same things!!!  :)  Well, the story I'm about to share sounds very similar to the first ever blog entry I made last spring... Except it is a new year & a different set of kids! :)  Okay, here it goes.

Let me tell you a story...

The kids were being awfully loud as they entered the music room today.  Since they are kindergarteners, I try to correct these behaviors right away instead of letting things slide and later on in the year things getting out of control!  So there I was, giving the kindergarten version of a "lecture" about coming in quietly, keeping hands to ourselves, not shouting outside, not talking when the teacher is talking, etc.  The class was very solemn and quiet when a little boy raised his hand and said:

"Your hair looks really pretty today."

I just started laughing.  They all started laughing.

Oh well.  I'll try again with the "lecture" tomorrow. :)

Gotta love 'em!