Sunday, October 28, 2012

i'm engaged!

Soo... Daniel proposed last Thursday night!!!  We are so excited!   We're getting married!  We're getting married!  We're getting married!  Yay! I didn't announce it formally to all my students (I think maybe I'll give some sort of big announcement during my classes tomorrow), but I did tell some of them and some of them even knew from their parents (who I am facebook friends with).  Haha!  There were several funny conversations about me being engaged and I'm sure there will be many more... The whole "engaged" concept is very hard for kids to understand!

we were so excited!!!

Let me tell you a story...

Here is how one conversation with a little kindergarten girl went on Friday:

Girl: "Miss Akins, are you really married?"

Me: "No, I am getting married.  Probably next summer."

Girl: "Oh.  Are you marrying Coach Brown?"

Me: "No, he is married to Mrs. Brown.  I am marrying Daniel."

She looks around the gym, very confused.  "But he's a little kid!"

I try to hold in my laughter.  "Not the kindergarten Daniel.  Not the Daniel in our class.  This Daniel is older.  He's a grown-up."

at our "engagement party" after his proposal!

So... in case there is any confusion:  I am NOT marrying a little kid & kindergartener!!  Come on... everyone knows he is a big kid. :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Ok. Confession time: I LOVE COMPLIMENTS... I can't help it!  You know one of the best things about teaching elementary school students?  They give you compliments ALL. THE. TIME. :)  Man, if I had a nickel for every time a student of mine told me something nice, I could retire right now!!  I know that things like, "Your hair looks pretty today" and "I like your dress" and "I like your earrings" and "You look pretty" shouldn't mean as much coming from 5, 6, 7, 8 year olds, but it doesn't matter to me! 

Let me tell you a story...

So I was wearing this headband from Charming Charlie today and I must admit it is one of my favorite purchases from that lovely store.  Of course all the little girls LOVED my bow (I finally gave up on trying to convince them "Thank you, but it's actually a headband!") and they told me over... and over... and over:

"Miss Akins, I like your bow."

"I like your bow, too."

"I like your bow, Miss Akins."

I am starting to think they just like listening to themselves talk. 


The best/worst compliment award of the day would have to go to this sweet kindergarten girl who thought she was saying the nicest thing ever to me:

"Miss Akins, you look prettier than yesterday."

Yep. :)  So I replied the only way I knew how:

"Thank you."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

i still like you

Let me tell you a story...

Last week, I was teaching and a first grade boy raised his hand, looked up at me, made direct eye contact and said to me very seriously,

"I really like you".

I kind of giggled to myself, and replied, "Aw thank you. I like you, too!"... and then I moved on.

Fast forward to today.  I was walking the first grade boys to the music room when I passed this same little boy.  He stopped me, and with a very serious and intent tone, he said,

"Miss Akins, I still like you.".

HA!  This kind of stuff never gets old. :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

it's a new year, after all

Well, the school year has officially begun!  One thing I love about my job as the music teacher is that I get the pleasure of teaching all the kids from grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade.  This makes my job of learning names and personalities and such for sooooo many kids (almost 250-300 total!) a little bit easier since I have a lot of the same students each year.  That is, except for kindergarten.  Those kids are ALL brand new to school and to me, and well... I think we are all adjusting pretty well to each other so far.  :) 

If there is one thing I have learned about children over the last 5 years of teaching (I'm in my FIFTH year, can you believe it?!), it's that every year is new and unpredictable and every child is different and unique. And yet... they seem to do some of the exact same things!!!  :)  Well, the story I'm about to share sounds very similar to the first ever blog entry I made last spring... Except it is a new year & a different set of kids! :)  Okay, here it goes.

Let me tell you a story...

The kids were being awfully loud as they entered the music room today.  Since they are kindergarteners, I try to correct these behaviors right away instead of letting things slide and later on in the year things getting out of control!  So there I was, giving the kindergarten version of a "lecture" about coming in quietly, keeping hands to ourselves, not shouting outside, not talking when the teacher is talking, etc.  The class was very solemn and quiet when a little boy raised his hand and said:

"Your hair looks really pretty today."

I just started laughing.  They all started laughing.

Oh well.  I'll try again with the "lecture" tomorrow. :)

Gotta love 'em!

Monday, April 30, 2012


Ah, lunch duty.  My absolute FAVORITE part of my day.  *sarcasm*

But, seriously, sometimes the kids can say some really funny things.

Let me tell you a story...

Today, a first grader called me over to his table to tell me,

"Miss Akins, I wish that all the land in the world was chips and the water was queso so I could just eat it all up!"

Yep. We dream big at my school.

Ok, ok, that actually sounds really good. Can you imagine that much cheese?! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

why i wear makeup

seriously... i hate washing my face!
Let me tell you a story...

At lunch duty, a little first grade girl asked me very concerned,

"Miss Akins, what happened to your forehead??"

I answered her a little sheepishly and honestly (I could have lied, but what would be the point?),

"It's a pimple".

"Oh, ok" was her sweet (and a bit embarrassed) response. .

And I WAS EVEN WEARING MAKEUP!!! UGH! Seriously! :)  Just another reminder why I should always wear makeup to work... I work with kids!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

i am the beast

One part of my job is putting on "music programs" for my students.  Basically, they get to perform songs for their parents.  It's really fun and the kids always get really excited... but they are also very stressful to put together.  Our first grade music program was yesterday and I'm still recovering from it all!

Let me tell you a story...

There were a lot of kids SUPER pumped about our program coming up... it was so cute!  Yesterday, during the school day, kids kept telling me,

"Miss Akins, our music program is tonight!"

...Like I could forget! HA!

after the music program
Anyway, most of the kids told me they planned on coming, but there were those few kids who knew they weren't going to be able to attend. You know, those boys who had baseball practice. Or the boy whose dad is a high school coach and he had a game. Or the little girl who told me her grandma's birthday was that night and her family was having her party.  Even though all these reasons for not being able to come make me sad, I understand that it is only through the support of parents that a music program after school hours is even possible!  So any parents out there who are reading this, THANK YOU!  Thank you for supporting your kids and their school!  We GREATLY appreciate you!!!

Yesterday, at lunch, the little girl whose grandma had a party that night announced to me,

"Miss Akins, guess what??  My grandma cancelled her birthday!  I can come to the program!!!"

Music Teacher Glynis!
I believe she meant she cancelled her PARTY, but man... this was big news! Honestly, I felt so proud that this program meant so much to her that her family would rearrange their schedule.  She should feel so loved!!!

SO... the program went VERY well last night.  I was SO proud of my first graders who worked so hard to prepare for this!!!  I found out today one teacher told her class she had Chick-Fil-A coupons for those kids who were able to attend... talk about incentive!!! Thank you to the first grade teachers for all their support!

 Today, I got this note from a sweet, sweet first grade girl:

i am the beast music titcher

How many of you get notes like this at your job???  I feel very blessed today!!! :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

i'll be your friend

One of the least glamorous parts of my job is having to do getting to do lunch duty.  I mean, what is more fun than watching 6 year olds eat cafeteria food??  In addition to opening up ketchup packets and cleaning up spilled water, I feel like I spend most of my time persuading them to eat their food ("Just take a few more bites!") and THAT.GETS.OLD.

Let me tell you a story...

When I mentioned persuading them to eat their food, there is one little boy in particular who comes to my mind.  This first grader is VERY picky and never seems to like any of the food he gets from the cafeteria. He recently has gotten a little better about trying new foods and he even started telling me when he has eaten some ("Miss Akins, I ate four bites!").  But for some reason, the hamburger today made him revert back to his old picky self.  He sat at the lunch table for about 15 minutes refusing to eat any of his burger.

We had about 10 minutes left of lunch when another first grader sitting across the table from Mr. Picky excitedly called me over to their table.  It was pretty obvious this kid had a big announcement for me.

"Miss Akins, he is eating the hamburger!"

"Oh, wow!  What do you think of it? Do you like it?" 
(Picky nods)

"I got him to eat it!  I told him I would be his friend if he would try to eat some of his hamburger... and now he likes it!"

Aww... positive peer pressure works! :D

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

do you wanna be a teacher?

I am a member of our campus's SAP committee (Student Assistance Program).  Students are referred to the SAP committee when teachers and/or parents are concerned about a student's progress and are requesting possible testing.  Each committee member is periodically assigned to be the "case manager" for referred students.  Part of being case manager means collecting and gathering data/student scores, observing the student, and combining all this information into a case report to present to the SAP committee.

Let me tell you a story...

I was assigned to be case manager for a student last week and I was observing this student a couple of days ago (I am presenting his case report tomorrow at our SAP meeting).  I try to be as inconspicuous as possible when I do these classroom observations so as to not distract all the students in the class... but I am pretty much a celebrity and all the kids can't help notice my presence... Let's just be real.  It's hard to be discreet when you are famous. Ha! Just kidding... I know it's really just that I am the only music teacher at the school so they all know me.  Anyways, I guess the students thought I was there observing their classroom teacher, because at one point a little girl asked me, 

"Whatcha doin', Miss Akins? Do you wanna be a teacher?"

Wow. Wow. WOW.  I have been teaching four years. I hope I do!

And maybe I can even become a REAL teacher someday. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I LOVE HUGS!!!  Being a teacher is the best because I never have to go a day without getting at least one hug.  :D

Let me tell you a story...

A little girl gave me a hug today, but this one was different.  This was one of those REALLY good hugs.  She grabbed me all the way around and squeezed me tight, laying her head on my stomach.  She kept her arms around me there and then looked up and said,

"You feel just like my mom."

This is the same little girl who had told me (just prior to the hug),

"Miss Akins, I'm gonna bring you a chocolate chip muffin!"

I assumed she meant tomorrow morning, or next week, or the week after that... No, she ran to her backpack and pulled out this individually wrapped muffin.  It was a sweet gesture.

This is also the same girl who yesterday was singing the Kari Jobe song "We Are".  I was so impressed with how on pitch she was and so I commented, "I know that song! Do you like it?".  She replied,

"Oh yes.  It just takes my breath away every time I hear it."

Yep, it is a good song and I loved hearing a little girl sing it.  And also, this sweet kindergartener really is creeping her little ol' way into my heart!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

lights out!

Normally, I want this blog to be full of funny quotes from kids so that I'll always have a way to remember them... but today, I feel the need (as a teacher and professional) to spend some time being a little reflective.  This blog entry today is mostly about my attitude.

Let me tell you a story...

There were BAD storms last night (I know, I know! Everyone in the central Texas area is already very aware of that fact!).  The teachers and other staff at my school all got a very funny, unexpected text this morning from our principal.

"No lights at school?? But I don't even have a good flashlight!!" I thought.  "Why do we have to go? Why do we have to be there??? Why does everything happen to ME?! Waaah!"

here she is... Dee Dee... spoiled brat!
I had a bad attitude. I hadn't slept very well at ALL the night before due to the fact that I am a scaredy-cat who was afraid of possible tornadoes... SO basically this meant I wanted to spend the night at my parents' house, which resulted in me sleeping on their couch and being able to see the storm through ALL of their huge windows.  Oh and also, my mom put her spoiled cat inside "to keep her safe" but Dee Dee (the kitty) spent the entire night meowing and throwing herself against the door to try to get out!  NO JOKE!!!  Okay, enough venting... my point is, I still got to work at my normal time of 7:30 am (ok, ok, I was a few minutes late today), but I wasn't in the best mood.  Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't even think I remembered to brush my hair this morning! ;)

But what a day it was!!! The employees at my school (and in the whole district) were all such troopers... and so were the kids!!!  In its own weird way, the day was sort of adventurous for us.  It was certainly not a day I will easily forget!

To sum up, we still hadn't gotten electricity back at the school after lunch, so the district decided to send the kids home. 

As I was leaving school early today, I started feeling a little convicted about the bad attitude I'd had all day long.  I mean, honestly... Did anyone choose for the school to NOT have electricity? No, of course this wasn't anyone's ideal plan!  Shouldn't I have been focused on and grateful for all of our safety???  Storms like that have the potential to do much more damage.  Shouldn't I also be grateful to work for a district that values education and is hoping, hoping, hoping for the electricity to get turned back on so our students can resume a "normal" school day?  That is what I should have been focusing on... not that it is annoying to be in the dark all day or that I'd rather be at home!

I'm not proud of the attitude I had today at work.  I should have remembered this quote... it's one of my favorites:  People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be. ~Abraham Lincoln

We can't always predict what kind of "curve balls" might get thrown our direction, especially in this profession!  I'd like to use this day as a learning experience, reminding myself to have a better outlook when unexpected situations occur.  Whoever thinks you do not have to be flexible to be a teacher obviously has not been in the education profession for very long.  What a good reminder... and WHAT A DAY!

But what was my bright spot of the day?  We still found a way to sing "You are My Sunshine"!!!  And the kids sang their little hearts out!! Seriously, who needs electricity!?! :)

"Those who wish to sing, always find a song."  ~Swedish Proverb

the creek today after school... almost up to the bridge!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

haircut / hair cut?

In addition to teaching elementary music, I also get the privilege of working with the GT students on our campus.

Let me tell you a story...

Since it is two days before Spring Break, I decided that today in GT I would let the students take a little break from their research projects... Instead, I planned for us to do a fun, creative brain challenge activity.  We discussed inventions briefly and I basically let the students use their imagination to come up with inventions of their own.

the invention name in question
I wrote the title on each of their posters for them and allowed them to imagine and draw what their invention would look like.  One kindergarten boy's invention was a "Hair Cutting Machine".  This proved a tough title to write. I debated with myself (aloud) whether haircut was ONE word or TWO words.  I mean, I'm a teacher and supposed to be setting the example... I didn't want to spell it wrong!!!

As I was having this very vocal debate with myself, a first grade boy piped up with some advice for me.  With all sincerity he offered,

"You could probably ask Mrs. Howton.  She knows how to spell all the words!  Or really, you could ask any first grade teachers.  They all know how to spell every word because they have to make all the word walls."

So... all-knowing first grade teachers... what's the decision? 

Hair cut? Or haircut??? ;)

Um... this one seemed like a trick.  You sit down for a massage and it takes your hair and turns it into money???  I asked, "But then you wouldn't have any hair!"

I need this one!  "So it won't make you late"... HA!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

taylor swift

I love my students. They can make a good day better just by giving me a hug.   
 Let me tell you a story...

THE dress
Today, I woke up late and put my hair in a bun on top of my head.  A little kindergarten girl pointed out,

"Miss Akins, you and I both have our hair in buns today!"

Later in the day, the 2nd grade girls were going wild about my dress, commending me on my wardrobe choice.  They definitely approved and I felt my ego growing. :)  Then, one comment just put me over the edge...

"Miss Akins, that looks like a Taylor Swift dress!"

Best compliment I've ever received, hands down.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

fluffy clouds

Every day, I walk a group of students who have older brothers or sisters over to the intermediate school.  We walk from the back of our school to the front of the other school and I help with car duty over there.

Let me tell you a story...

This afternoon, I was walking the kids over to the other school just like any normal day.  A kindergarten girl began to engage me in conversation, just like she does pretty much every afternoon as we're walking (she's very talkative).
the clouds after work today

"Miss Akins, LOOK!  Those clouds are so fluffy!  They look so soft... I just want to lay down on them and take a nap!"

"You're right, they do look soft!"

"You know why laying down on them would be SO good? Because then I would be close to JESUS! I would love being there because Jesus is the most important thing in my life."

No joke, y'all.  Those exact words came out of her mouth!

fluffy clouds
Aw... faith like a child.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Let me tell you a story...

Today, a little kindergarten girl brought me a scrapbook that she had made JUST FOR ME. See?  It even says, "MUSIC TEACHER".  Duh. That's me!

The scrapbook was all of pictures of HER.  From birth to now.  Oh, how I WISH I could show you all the pictures!  They were hilariously cute.  She even left several blank pages at the end (to quote her) "so you can add some of your own pictures". Aww! 

The inside of my scrapbook :)
The outside of my scrapbook :)

Ok, ok, I can't stand it.  I will show you SOME of the inside.  She just went to so much trouble making it for me!!

here she is at age 3 playing her drums!

cute music scrapbook paper she used

some more cute music scrapbook paper

I wonder if her mom knows that she made this for me.  Hmm... maybe I should email her just to be sure it was ok.

Either way, it was so sweet and so precious. I can't believe that she even thinks about me outside of school! My heart is full with love for my students today. 


Friday, February 24, 2012

bad hair days never go unnoticed

Sometimes I let my hair dry naturally and let it go wavy. Like this:

When I have more time and want to look cute (like for snow day pictures or meeting Jordan Shipley, duh), I'll straighten my hair. Like this:

And for really, really special occasions (like being being a bridesmaid or a wedding singer - either way, that day is all about me), I'll even use a curling iron to curl my hair. Like this:

Then there are those other days... You KNOW what I'm talking about.  Those days when your hair doesn't do what you want or you don't even care enough to try.

Let me tell you a story...

Normally, I jump out of the shower and am lucky to get to work on time, so my hair dries its naturally wavy self.  Today, I actually DID straighten and curl my hair.  I felt pretty cute, not gonna lie.  Here is me today at work:

what my hair looks like when I brush it, apparently

So there I was, feeling all cute and confident, and then at lunch duty today a first grade boy said to me, 

"Miss Akins, you brushed your hair today!"

Yep. Bad hair days never go unnoticed to a six year old.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"happy president's day, miss akins!"

I love teaching elementary music! In addition to instilling in children a love for music and building the foundation of their musical knowledge, I also get to teach songs about lots of different subjects... especially different holidays. :)

Let me tell you a story...

For President's Day this year, we learned a song about honoring our Presidents and, being the student-centered teacher that I am (and such a humble one, also), I wanted to use this subject as an opportunity to encourage students to dream big. 

I said to my second graders, "You never know, our future President might be in this very room!  Our first woman President might be attending our school right now!  I believe you are all capable of achieving that someday.  Everyone is capable of achieving that dream!"

...I totally wrote that down in my lesson plans and everything.  Okay, okay, not really. But still, it was one of those spur-of-the-moment thoughts that seemed like a good thing to throw in there.  I honestly had forgotten I had said anything about it until the very next day (yesterday) when this sweet second grade girl brought me a little note.

"Happy President's Day, Miss Akins!"

I can't describe it.  Words just won't do it justice.  The pictures speak for themselves. :)

I DID tell them that anyone can be President and to dream big...


Who says I'm not getting through to them? :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"you're pretty"

Do you ever have times when you let something SO small frustrate you, and then you get mad at yourself for allowing that insignificant thing to hijack your emotions?? Well, this happens to me ALL...THE...TIME!  But, my situation is a little bit different than what you were probably thinking. In fact, that small "thing" that normally frustrates me isn't a thing at all... it's a five year old. You see, I'm a teacher. :) In the world of education, an elementary school teacher has to get used to little "interruptions" by kiddos who ALWAYS have something to say. I have lots of funny quotes that I have heard over the years and one of my goals with this blog is to start sharing some quotes or funny stories to save them as some of my special anecdotes from teaching. :)

So, for my first blog post... Let me tell you a story...

Today, I was attempting to teach kindergarteners about higher and lower sounds in music and was frustrated because I didn't think any of the kids cared about anything I was saying.  Add onto that it was day 1 of my attempt to detox myself from Diet Cokes!!! It's been rough! :) Needless to say, I wasn't exactly looking my best and I felt like death warmed over.

A little kindergarten boy raised his hand and I decided to call on him even though I had no idea what off-topic comment he was going to make.

"Miss Akins, you're pretty."

Aww... sometimes these little "interruptions" are just what we need. :)