Monday, February 27, 2012


Let me tell you a story...

Today, a little kindergarten girl brought me a scrapbook that she had made JUST FOR ME. See?  It even says, "MUSIC TEACHER".  Duh. That's me!

The scrapbook was all of pictures of HER.  From birth to now.  Oh, how I WISH I could show you all the pictures!  They were hilariously cute.  She even left several blank pages at the end (to quote her) "so you can add some of your own pictures". Aww! 

The inside of my scrapbook :)
The outside of my scrapbook :)

Ok, ok, I can't stand it.  I will show you SOME of the inside.  She just went to so much trouble making it for me!!

here she is at age 3 playing her drums!

cute music scrapbook paper she used

some more cute music scrapbook paper

I wonder if her mom knows that she made this for me.  Hmm... maybe I should email her just to be sure it was ok.

Either way, it was so sweet and so precious. I can't believe that she even thinks about me outside of school! My heart is full with love for my students today. 


1 comment:

  1. Next time I come over I want to see this! So precious. :)
