Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"you're pretty"

Do you ever have times when you let something SO small frustrate you, and then you get mad at yourself for allowing that insignificant thing to hijack your emotions?? Well, this happens to me ALL...THE...TIME!  But, my situation is a little bit different than what you were probably thinking. In fact, that small "thing" that normally frustrates me isn't a thing at all... it's a five year old. You see, I'm a teacher. :) In the world of education, an elementary school teacher has to get used to little "interruptions" by kiddos who ALWAYS have something to say. I have lots of funny quotes that I have heard over the years and one of my goals with this blog is to start sharing some quotes or funny stories to save them as some of my special anecdotes from teaching. :)

So, for my first blog post... Let me tell you a story...

Today, I was attempting to teach kindergarteners about higher and lower sounds in music and was frustrated because I didn't think any of the kids cared about anything I was saying.  Add onto that it was day 1 of my attempt to detox myself from Diet Cokes!!! It's been rough! :) Needless to say, I wasn't exactly looking my best and I felt like death warmed over.

A little kindergarten boy raised his hand and I decided to call on him even though I had no idea what off-topic comment he was going to make.

"Miss Akins, you're pretty."

Aww... sometimes these little "interruptions" are just what we need. :)

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