Normally, I want this blog to be full of funny quotes from kids so that I'll always have a way to remember them... but today, I feel the need (as a teacher and professional) to spend some time being a little reflective. This blog entry today is mostly about my
Let me tell you a story...
There were BAD storms last night (I know, I know! Everyone in the central Texas area is already very aware of that fact!). The teachers and other staff at my school all got a very funny, unexpected text this morning from our principal.
"No lights at school?? But I don't even have a good flashlight!!" I thought.
"Why do we have to go? Why do we have to be there??? Why does everything happen to ME?! Waaah!"
here she is... Dee Dee... spoiled brat! |
I had a bad attitude. I hadn't slept very well at ALL the night before due to the fact that I am a scaredy-cat who was afraid of possible tornadoes... SO basically this meant I wanted to spend the night at my parents' house, which resulted in me sleeping on their couch and being able to see the storm through ALL of their huge windows. Oh and also, my mom put her spoiled cat inside "to keep her safe" but Dee Dee (the kitty) spent the entire night meowing and throwing herself against the door to try to get out! NO JOKE!!! Okay, enough venting... my point is, I still got to work at my normal time of 7:30 am (ok, ok, I was a few minutes late today), but I wasn't in the best mood. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't even think I remembered to brush my hair this morning! ;)
But what a day it was!!! The employees at my school (and in the whole district) were all such troopers... and so were the kids!!! In its own weird way, the day was sort of adventurous for us. It was certainly not a day I will easily forget!
To sum up, we still hadn't gotten electricity back at the school after lunch, so the district decided to send the kids home.
As I was leaving school early today, I started feeling a little convicted about the bad attitude I'd had all day long. I mean, honestly... Did anyone choose for the school to NOT have electricity? No, of course this wasn't anyone's ideal plan! Shouldn't I have been focused on and grateful for all of our safety??? Storms like that have the potential to do much more damage. Shouldn't I also be grateful to work for a district that values education and is
hoping, hoping, hoping for the electricity to get turned back on so our students can resume a "normal" school day? That is what I should have been focusing on... not that it is annoying to be in the dark all day or that I'd rather be at home!
I'm not proud of the attitude I had today at work. I should have remembered this quote... it's one of my favorites:
People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be. ~Abraham Lincoln
We can't always predict what kind of "curve balls" might get thrown our direction, especially in this profession! I'd like to use this day as a learning experience, reminding myself to have a better outlook when unexpected situations occur. Whoever thinks you do not have to be flexible to be a teacher obviously
has not been in the education profession for very long. What a good reminder... and WHAT A DAY!
But what was my bright spot of the day? We still found a way to sing "
You are My Sunshine"!!! And the kids sang their little hearts out!! Seriously, who needs electricity!?! :)
"Those who wish to sing, always find a song." ~Swedish Proverb
the creek today after school... almost up to the bridge! |